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We are coffeeperson_tokyo

Can't go wrong with the hand drip coffee?!

Coffee track which opens a stall for a 5days a week in the Marunouchi-Nakadori Ave "urban terrace" near Tokyo station. Basically,we are closed on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

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Barista Making Drip Coffee

Hand drip coffees

All of our coffee is brewed with a hand drip. Therefore, it will take some time. We aim for a taste that is delicious even when cold and has little miscellaneous taste. I want to continue making coffee that blends into your daily life.


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A blend mainly based on Colombian EMERALD MOUNTAINS Guatemala in volume beans. Kenya is used for accent beans.This is a well-balanced blend that is delicious even when cooled. Please enjoy it once.

 コロンビア エメラルドマウンテンを主体としたブレンド。ボリュームにグアテマラ、アクセントにケニアを使用しています。冷めても美味しい雑味の少ないバランスの取れたブレンドです。ぜひ一度ご賞味ください。


Prince Vladimir is a black tea blended with vanilla, citrus fruits and spices in Earl Gray with the scent of bergamot. This historic tea was blended by Maison founder Pavel Kusmicov himself in 1888 to celebrate the 900th anniversary of Russian Christianization since Grand Prince of Kiev Vladimir I was baptized by Christianity. It is also in the official HP introduction.

プリンス・ウラディミル はベルガモットの香りを纏ったアールグレイにバニラ、柑橘類、スパイスをブレンドしたブラックティ。キエフ大公ウラディミル1世がキリスト教の洗礼を受けて以来のロシアキリスト教化900年を祝い、1888年にメゾン創業者パヴェル・クスミチョフ本人がブレンドした歴史ある紅茶です。


Fresh Coffee Beans

Others menu

We have many items other than the coffee menu. There are also seasonal menus such as lemonade, cocoa, and matcha cappuccino, so please try them.

コーヒーメニュー以外もたくさん用意しております。レモネードやココア、抹茶のカプチーノなど 季節メニューもありますので是非ご賞味ください。

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Opening time

Marunouchi-Nakadori Ave

"Urban terrace"



Saturday,Sundays,and holidays


​days off Wednesday and Thursday

The Perfect Coffee
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©2020 by coffeeperson_tokyo。 で作成されました。

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